The information in this section is based on publicly available sources and is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any project, product, or service mentioned.
Cardano's ecosystem continues to expand with incremental growth in key metrics. The number of projects building on the network has increased to 1,987, while 1.324 million delegated wallets actively participate in staking. The issuance of native tokens has reached 10.70 million, with 208,410 token policies.
Smart contract activity is also progressing, with 127,114 Plutus scripts deployed, marking a 0.53% increase since last week. On-chain transactions have risen to 108.80 million, a 2.17% increase since last week, indicating steady network usage. Governance participation remains active, with 1,147 decentralized representatives (DReps), reflecting continued engagement in Cardano's decentralized decision-making process.
In other news:
Iagon and Andamio Platform have joined the Cardano Foundation’s Venture Hub
Carlos Souza introduced ‘Xander’, an Elixir library for connecting to a Cardano node, along with a quick project demo
Butane Synthetics is nearing the launch of Butane Oracles, Cardano’s first distributed, fault-resistant oracle, developed by Sundae Labs and funded by Butane Protocol.
The performance and tracing team conducted Plinth memory budget scaling benchmarks, UTXO-HD benchmarks to address a fixed regression, and Ouroboros Genesis benchmarks. They adjusted Ouroboros Genesis and UTXO-HD within the workbench and completed various maintenance tasks. On the infrastructure side, they removed outdated deployments, merged the Haskell profile definition, and continued simplifying the workbench. Meanwhile, C library development for trace forwarding remains ongoing, with feature implementation guided by community feedback, and the team has begun testing the removal of the old tracing system.
This week, the ledger team tackled technical debt by improving the entrypoint interface that consensus uses to interact with the ledger, reorganizing parts of the ledger state for a more type-safe distinction of changes introduced in the Conway era, and implementing alternative deserialization for on-chain types to enable faster, more accurate decoders in downstream components.
Daedalus v.7.1.0 has been released as a security and maintenance update, ensuring compatibility with the Plomin hard fork and improving overall performance and stability. Notable updates include upgrading cardano-node
to v.10.1.4 and cardano-wallet
to v.2025-01-09 to address potential denial of service vulnerabilities post-Plomin. The release also provides CIP-129 DRep ID support, aligning Daedalus with the new on-chain governance features, and resolves a dynamic library loading issue on older macOS (10.15.x) systems.
This week, the Mithril team continued implementing incremental certification of the Cardano database, focusing on feature stabilization and production readiness. They also worked on supporting the Cardano node v.10.2 and documenting the certification process for each certifiable data type.
Finally, the team completed cleaning up legacy code from the 'Thales' era and started working on a slave mode for the aggregator signer registration.
This week in Leios development, CPS-0018 for improved transaction throughput was approved, along with improved Docker support for simulations and analysis of cross-simulation results. The team also examined input block production rates and their impact on network performance.
Excitement is building as the time approaches for the second Intersect committee elections. Now that the community shapes the future of Cardano, all ada holders are encouraged to get involved in governance by joining Intersect and volunteering to be a member of a standing committee.
Candidacy applications will be open from March 17 to March 31, and voting will take place in April. To maintain continuity and corporate knowledge, only half the membership of each committee will be replaced every six-monthly election.
People with these attributes are encouraged to apply:
Passionately committed to the vision that created Cardano: empowering the powerless, banking the unbanked, and connecting the unconnected
Specific knowledge and skills in the domain of the particular committee
Available to spend about 20 hours weekly attending virtual meetings, participating in online chats, and processing emails.
More information is available on the Intersect website.
Catalyst has launched a new video series, Under the Hood, to promote transparency and provide insights into behind-the-scenes activities, while the Catalyst town hall is now live on X, engaging the community in real-time discussions. The team has introduced a community poll to gather input on topics for the next X Space. Meanwhile, the onboarding of Fund13 is ongoing, alongside the continued development of tooling and infrastructure in preparation for Fund14 changes.
This week, the education team are making progress with various refactoring updates and enhancements to the Cardano developer course and are completing additional lectures for the Haskell Bootcamp. They are also outlining a stake pool operator course and a Midnight zero-knowledge proofs course. Additionally, they are preparing for a virtual presentation about Cardano for the Doctoral Consortium at Universidad Latinoamericana y del Caribe, in Venezuela, later this month.
● IagonとAndamio PlatformがCardano財団のVenture Hubに参加
● Carlos SouzaがCardanoノードに接続するためのElixirライブラリーXanderを、簡単なプロジェクトデモを付けて紹介
● Butane Synthetics、Sundae Labs開発Butane Protocol資金提供のCardano初の分散型フォールト耐性Oracle、Butane Oraclesをまもなく立ち上げ
パフォーマンス&トレースチームは、Plinthメモリーバジェットスケーリングのベンチマーク、固定回帰に対処するためのUTXO-HDベンチマーク、Ouroboros Genesisベンチマークを実施しました。ワークベンチでOutoboros GenesisとUTXO-HDを調整し、さまざまなメンテナンス作業を行いました。インフラに関しては、古いデプロイを削除し、Haskellプロファイル定義をマージし、ワークベンチの簡素化を続けました。トレース転送のためのCライブラリーの開発は継続しており、コミュニティからのフィードバックに基づいた機能の実装が行われています。古いトレースシステムを削除するためのテストを開始しました。
Daedalus v.7.1.0はセキュリティおよびメンテナンスアップデートとしてリリースされ、Plominハードフォークとの互換性を確保し、全体的なパフォーマンスと安定性を向上させました。特筆すべき更新として、Plomin後のDoS攻撃に対する潜在的な脆弱性に対処するために、cardano-nodeをv.10.1.4に、cardano-walletをv.2025-01-09にアップグレードしています。このリリースはまた、CIP-129 DRep IDサポートを提供してDaedalusを新しいオンチェーンガバナンス機能に準拠させている他、古いmacOS(10.15.x)システムでの動的ライブラリー読み込みの不具合を解決しています。
Catalystは透明性を促進し、舞台裏の活動を紹介するために新しい動画シリーズUnder the Hoodの配信を始めました。Catalystタウンホールは現在Xでライブで行われており、コミュニティはリアルタイムの議論に参加しています。次のXスペースのトピックに関する意見を集めるために、コミュニティ投票を導入しました。Fund13のオンボーディングは続いており、Fund14の変更に備えたツールとインフラの開発も並行して進行中です。
教育チームは、Cardano開発者コースのさまざまなリファクタリング、更新、強化を進め、Haskell Bootcampの追加講義を完了しています。ステークプールオペレーターコースとMidnightゼロ知識証明コースの概要も作成中です。今月後半、ベネズエラのラティノアメリカーナ・イ・デル・カリベ大学で開かれる博士コンソーシアムのために、Cardanoについてのバーチャルプレゼンテーションの準備をしています。