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Weekly development report as of 2025-02-21

Weekly development report as of 2025-02-21


The information in this section is based on publicly available sources and is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any project, product, or service mentioned.

The Cardano ecosystem continues to show stable growth across various key metrics. The number of projects building on Cardano remains at 1,985, reflecting ongoing development activity. The network has processed 106.50 million transactions, a 0.29% increase since last week, indicating sustained on-chain usage.

Native asset activity has also expanded, with 10.69 million native tokens issued and 207,745 token policies registered. Plutus scripts have grown to 126,445, marking a 0.72% increase since last week, showing steady adoption of smart contract capabilities. Governance participation continues to rise, with 1,122 DReps, reflecting a 4.08% increase in decentralized representation. Meanwhile, 1.323 million delegated wallets contribute to the network’s staking ecosystem.

In other news:


This week, the consensus team published an explainer covering the role of ticking within the consensus layer. They also benchmarked the in-memory backend for UTXO-HD, confirming that resource usage is similar to that of the baseline node, with CPU usage reduced by 9% and memory usage increased by 3%. Additionally, they fixed a regression in the mempool snapshot, improving performance from +185% to -21%, added a new consensus section to the Cardano blueprints, and discussed the importance of the KES agent and its roadmap during a recent technical working group meeting.


This week, the Lace team released version 1.20.0, which enhances the Web3 experience through improved organization and key optimizations. Users can now rename wallets and accounts for better clarity. A new ‘Governance’ tab has been added to centralize participation in Cardano governance.

DApp signing has been made smoother with improved input focusing, while transactions, UTXOs, and resolved inputs are now cached more efficiently, resulting in faster wallet operations. The full activity feed has been restored to provide a comprehensive overview of the transaction and rewards history. Additionally, the enhanced Nami mode full-screen lander now offers a more intuitive transition for Nami users switching to Lace.

Debug logging is now optional, giving users more control over diagnostics, and the removal of automatic collateral handling allows for greater flexibility in transactions. These updates pave the way for an even more seamless Web3 experience, with mobile support coming soon.


The Plutus team officially renamed Plutus Tx to Plinth and updated the user guide accordingly. Read this blog post to learn more about Plinth and its new functionality. 

The team also made several improvements to the Plinth compiler, making inlining more tunable, including the inline-fix flag and the PlutusTx.Optimize.Inline.inline function for callsite inlining. Furthermore, they added utility functions to support recursion unrolling in PlutusTx.Optimize.SpaceTime.


The Hydra team has brought the Hydra explorer back online, and it is now tracking over 1,000 heads across various networks and versions. They also improved the explorer, allowing it to monitor multiple Hydra versions. Additionally, they resolved a crash caused by malformed party information and continued to reduce the memory footprint of a Hydra node. In the future, the team plans to focus on further memory optimization, ongoing networking enhancements, and addressing potential ‘getting stuck’ scenarios by implementing a reset to a previous snapshot.

This week, the Mithril team released the new distribution 2506.0, which fixes a certificate chain security issue discussed in this developer blog post.

The team continued implementing incremental certification of the Cardano database, completed the client library, client CLI, and monitoring, fixed bugs, and worked on resolving unstable features. Additionally, they worked on decommissioning the testing-sanchonet Mithril network and ending support for macOS x64 pre-built binaries in the CI.

Finally, the team fixed all remaining flakiness in end-to-end tests in the CI and worked on cleaning up legacy code from the 'Thales' era.

This week, the Leios team worked on a detailed DeltaQ analysis of network topologies, extensive BLS cryptography benchmarking, and improvements to Haskell and Rust simulations. The team also explored succinct schemes for BLS key registration and conducted a detailed certificate performance analysis. Both Haskell and Rust simulations received substantial updates to improve visualization and support more realistic testing conditions.


The new Cardano constitution has been ratified on-chain and will replace the interim constitution at the next epoch boundary on Sunday, February 23. 

Meanwhile, Input | Output Research’s 2025 work program proposal, presented via the Intersect research working group, has been approved for socialization and feedback with DReps and the community — followed by a budget info governance action and, subsequently, a treasury withdrawal governance action.

The five-year Cardano vision proposal includes 34 work streams across nine thematic focus areas, of which 20 research streams and six innovation streams are proposed for 2025. These encompass several Ouroboros protocol initiatives: Leios, Hydra layer 2, tokenomics, interoperability, anti-grinding, and fastBFT. Further information is available in this blog post and the Intersect knowledge base for the research working group and product committee.


The Catalyst Fund13 onboarding is progressing smoothly, while technical advancements on the Catalyst platform continue, with the deprecation of IdeaScale remaining a key priority ahead of Fund14.

A major milestone has been achieved with the completion of the working group research and scoping analysis initiative, funded in Fund11 by the Cardano community. Check out the closeout video and the milestone module for more details.

As Fund14 approaches, the team has begun showcasing platform demos to keep the community engaged and excited about upcoming features. In case you missed it, explore the Cardano innovation budget proposal 2025, along with Catalyst’s roadmap. 


This week, the education team is continuing to update the Cardano developer course and plan education events. They are also collaborating with the Midnight team on educational content.






●    CDECは新しいウェブサイトTwitter(X)アカウントを立ち上げました。

●    Laceペーパーウォレットのバグ懸賞金チャレンジは、誰もハッキングできなかったため、勝者なしで終了しました。

●    WanchainがXFlowsを導入し、16のブロックチェーン間でネイティブ資産のスワップを可能にしました。








Plutusチームは公式にPlutus TxをPlinthと改称し、ユーザーガイドを更新しました。Plinthとその新機能の詳細については、このブログを参照してください。 





Cardanoデータベースの増分認証の実装を続け、クライアントライブラリー、クライアントCLI、監視を完了し、バグを修正し、不安定な機能の解消に取り組みました。testing-sanchonet Mithrilネットワークの廃止と、macOS x64でCIのビルド済みバイナリサポートを終了する作業も行いました。





Input | Output Researchの2025年ワークプログラム案は、Intersect研究ワーキンググループを通じて提示され、DRepとコミュニティとの社会化とフィードバックのために承認され、続いて予算情報ガバナンスアクション、そしてその後、トレジャリーの引き出しガバナンスアクションが承認されました。



Catalyst Fund13のオンボーディングがスムーズに進行する一方、Catalystプラットフォームの技術的進歩も継続しており、IdeaScaleの廃止がFund14に先立つ重要な優先事項となっています。



