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Weekly development report as of 2025-02-14

Weekly development report as of 2025-02-14


The information in this section is based on publicly available sources and is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any project, product, or service mentioned.

The Cardano ecosystem continues to show steady progress across key areas. There are currently 1,985 projects building on the platform. 10.68 million native tokens have been issued under 205,932 token policies, indicating consistent token activity.

Network usage remains stable, with 106.19 million transactions processed so far. 1.321 million delegated wallets are contributing to the network's staking process. The smart contract infrastructure is developing gradually, with 125,534 Plutus scripts deployed, out of which – 4,876 Aiken scripts. Additionally, 1,078 delegated representatives (DReps) are now active, reflecting increased participation in on-chain governance.

In other news:

  • Input | Output’s interim constitutional council (ICC) has voted ‘Yes’ for the governance action ‘Cardano Constitution to Replace the Interim Constitution’ with the unanimous support of its seven members.

  • The Cardano Foundation also published its rationale for voting ‘Yes’ on the governance action to replace the interim constitution with the Cardano constitution.

  • Cointelegraph reported that Grayscale filed for a Cardano ETF with the NYSE.

  • Mauro Andreoli will assist the University of Zurich in identifying and recommending individuals from the Cardano community to participate in this year’s ‘Deep Dive into Blockchain’ course.

  • Intersect announced that it will prepare an impact analysis to reduce the treasury growth rate from 20% to 10%.

  • Atrium Labs concluded Diffusion basket voting and published a list of the 50 SPOs selected for the first staking basket.


This week, the ledger team implemented several performance improvements. They focused on avoiding redundant computations of the Plutus script context, reducing memory overhead for governance features, and eliminating a space leak causing unnecessary transaction retention. Key changes covered TxInfo memoization, reduced memory usage, and the addition of CBOR instances for DefaultVote. The team also introduced CanGetUTxO and CanSetUTxO type classes, reorganized the ledger state, and made the utxosDeposited field strict. On the testing side, they updated the specifications to correct the SecurityGroup parameters, added genIssuerKeys, upgraded the cborg library, and improved the mkAddr/mkCred interfaces. Finally, they removed a broken symlink from the repository.


This week, the Mithril team completed the activation of the ‘Pythagoras’ Mithril era on the mainnet, which occurred as expected at the transition to Cardano epoch 539. They also created the pre-release for the new distribution 2506.0-pre.

The team continued implementing incremental certification of the Cardano database, working on the client library, client CLI, and WASM client. They also kept implementing monitoring and dashboarding. Additionally, they completed the dependency builder refactoring in the aggregator.

Finally, the team fixed some flakiness in end-to-end tests in the CI and prepared for sunsetting the SanchoNet network.

The Leios team worked on cryptography benchmarking and cost calculator improvements. The team completed a reference implementation for Leios cryptography and enhanced the online cost calculator with user-requested features. They also updated both Haskell and Rust simulations to improve visualization and network modeling capabilities.


The delegate-approved constitution is still pending approval. Watch this space for more news.

In another first for Cardano, the budget approval socialization process has begun, with all proposed budgets being examined by the community of ada holders, ready for on-chain voting.


Onboarding for Fund13 is moving forward smoothly, with 97% of the onboarding form completed, 95% of statements of milestones (SOM) submitted, 79% of SOMs signed off, 76% of due diligence completed, and 92% of test transactions finalized. The Catalyst team is partnering with Cardano Spot to expand community reach and improve transparency across the Cardano ecosystem. While town halls remain on pause, expect weekly Twitter (X) Spaces featuring the Catalyst team to highlight upcoming product developments. 


This week, the education team is working on refactoring the Cardano developer course to introduce a Bootcamp component, continuous integration, and updates to the content and code base. They are also planning a foundational course on zero knowledge proofs and Midnight education.






●    Input | Outputの暫定憲法委員会(ICC)では、ガバナンスアクション「暫定憲法をCardano憲法に置き換える」に、7人のメンバーが全会一致で「Yes」を投票しました。

●    Cardano財団は暫定憲法をCardano憲法に置き換えるガバナンスアクションに「Yes」と投じた理由を公表しました。

●    Cointelegraphは、Grayscaleがニューヨーク証券取引所にCardano ETFを申請したと報じました。

●    Mauro Andreoliは、チューリッヒ大学による今年の「Deep Dive Into Blockchain」コースへのCardanoコミュニティからの参加者の特定、推薦を支援します。

●    Intersectはトレジャリー成長率を20%から10%に引き下げるインパクト分析を準備すると発表しました。

●    Atrium LabsはDiffusionバスケット投票を締めくくり、最初のステーキングバスケットに選ばれた50のSPOのリストを公開しました。




Mithrilチームはメインネット上でPythagoras Mithril期のアクティベーションを完了しました。これは、Cardanoエポック539への移行時に予定通りに実行されました。また、新しいディストリビューションのプレリリース2506.0-preも作成しました。








Fund13のオンボーディングは順調に進んでいます。オンボーディングフォームの97%が完了し、マイルストンステートメント(SOM)の95%が提出、79%が承認され、デューデリジェンスの76%、テストトランザクションの92%が完了しました。CatalystチームはCardano Spotと提携し、コミュニティへのリーチを拡大し、Cardanoエコシステム全体の透明性を向上させています。タウンホールは休止中ですが、Catalystチームが登場する毎週のTwitter(X)スペースでは、今後の製品開発に焦点が当てられる見込みです。 

