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Weekly development report as of 2025-02-07

Weekly development report as of 2025-02-07


The performance and tracing team released new benchmarks and performance baselines for node v.10.2 for UTXO-HD, the new Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC), and Genesis, including benchmarks for a 'Periodic tracer'. They also labeled threads throughout the node to improve trace clarity and fixed a race condition in the ekg-wai monitoring dependency. On infrastructure, the Haskell profile definition successfully passed testing and is ready for merging. The C library for trace forwarding reached the prototype stage, and the latest updates to the developer portal are ready for publication.

The consensus team began drafting pull requests to remove EBBs from the historical chain and address scenarios with low participation. They identified unlabeled threads in the Cardano node and are adding missing labels to enhance debugging efforts. A run of the UTXO-HD V2 InMemory cluster revealed a regression in mempool snapshotting, which is now under investigation.

The team also fixed the block replay tracer in the new tracing system and adapted UTXO-HD to utilize forward-deserializable TxOuts. They also merged upstream changes, enabling the new QueryStakePoolDefaultVote. Additionally, they integrated changes from LocalTxMonitor into network-protocols as a preliminary step toward expanded transaction size reporting. 

Finally, the team completed a script to catalog consensus symbols in downstream packages, contributing to the Cardano blueprint initiative.


The Plutus team is finalizing several items related to Plinth (formerly known as Plutus Tx). This includes a new logo, an introductory blog post, a more efficient data-encoded script context API, and a user guide to help migrate scripts to the new API. They are also actively working on new primitives and language constructs that will be introduced at the hard fork following Plomin.


The Hydra team has released Hydra v.0.20.0, which includes incremental commits. They are focusing on enhancing memory usage and improving overall stability and resilience. Additionally, the team has introduced a new project to track ongoing work, along with a revised Hydra Head roadmap.

In the future, they plan to continue working on memory usage enhancements, complete support for multiple versions in the Hydra explorer, develop an API command to clear pending transactions, and start implementing a new networking stack.

The Mithril team created the transaction to activate the switch to the next ‘Pythagoras’ Mithril era, which will occur at the transition to Cardano epoch 539. They also started communicating the upcoming bump in the minimum version of glibc required to run Mithril pre-built binaries on Linux.

The team continued implementing incremental certification of the Cardano database, working on the client library, client CLI, and WASM client. They also began implementing monitoring and dashboarding. Additionally, they started refactoring the ‘mithril-common’ library and simplifying the dependency builder in the aggregator.

Finally, the team worked on dropping support for pre-built binaries for macOS x64 architecture and attempted to fix some flakiness in end-to-end tests in the CI.

The Leios team has been experimenting with utilizing the Fait Accompli method following discussions with other IOG researchers and cryptographers. This approach helps reduce certificate sizes from over 75 kB to around 15 kB, significantly boosting Leios’ performance. It's beneficial that the research program can generate results like this ahead of specific applications like Leios, therefore the team are now exploring using Fait Accompli with ALBA.

The team also continued refining the Haskell and Rust simulations by standardizing the inputs, outputs, and event logging to improve comparability. They introduced uniform formats for configuration parameters and network topology, which enabled consistent operation of the Leios protocol. Additionally, they focused on logging identical simulation events to better align with the DeltaQ model and the executable specification, strengthening the use of formal methods.

In Haskell, the short-leios simulation now outputs diffusion latency data, supports various input block (IB) diffusion strategies (such as freshest-first or peer-order), and manages both the Vote (Send) and Vote (Recv) stages.

Meanwhile, the Rust simulation has introduced an ‘organic’ topology generator that better matches mainnet stake and relay distribution while considering real-world operator configurations. The team also produced a report for January 2025, outlining progress made since September 2024. 


On Thursday, January 30, a significant milestone was reached in Cardano's governance journey. Intersect submitted a governance action to ratify the delegate-approved Cardano constitution on-chain. Since this submission, the activity of delegated representatives (DReps) has been outstanding, and the vote is rapidly moving towards ratification. This swift progress highlights the strong engagement of the community.


This week in Catalyst, the onboarding for Fund13 continues to progress smoothly, and the second round of town hall retro sessions has concluded. Additional updates on upcoming events will be announced soon, maintaining momentum for community engagement. Meanwhile, the technical development of the Catalyst platform remains a priority, streamlining the transition as IdeaScale is phased out ahead of Fund14 for a more seamless experience.

For full access to GitHub branches and deliverables, see Project Catalyst documentation.


The education team is updating the code base and content for the Cardano developer course to reflect changes to Plinth and Aiken. They are also working on plans for Midnight education.


パフォーマンス&トレースチームチームは、UTXO-HD、新しいGHC(Glasgow Haskell Compiler)、Genesisのために、ノードv.10.2の新しいベンチマークとパフォーマンスベースラインをリリースしました。ここにはPeriodic tracerのベンチマークをも含まれます。トレースの明瞭性を向上させるためにノード全体にスレッドのラベル付けを行い、ekg-wai監視依存関係の競合状態を修正しました。インフラに関しては、Haskellプロファイル定義がテストにパスし、マージの準備が整いました。トレース転送用のCライブラリーがプロトタイプステージに到達し、開発者ポータルの最新更新情報の公開準備が整いました。

コンセンサスチームは、ヒストリカルチェーンからEBBを削除する、また、参加率の低いシナリオに対処するプルリクエストの起草を始めました。デバッグ作業を強化するために、Cardanoノードでラベルのないスレッドを識別し、欠落しているラベルを追加しています。UTXO-HD V2のInMemoryクラスターを実行したところ、メモリープールのスナップショットに不具合が見られました。




Plutusチームは、Plinth(旧Plutus Tx)に関連する複数の項目を仕上げています。これには、新しいロゴ、ブログの紹介記事、より効率的なデータエンコードスクリプトコンテキストAPI、スクリプトを新しいAPIに移行するのに役立つユーザーガイドが含まれます。Plominに続くハードフォークで導入される新しいプリミティブや言語構造にも積極的に取り組んでいます。


Hydraチームは、インクリメンタルコミットを含むHydra v.0.20.0をリリースしました。ここでは、メモリー使用率の向上と、全体的な安定性と回復力の向上に焦点が当てられています。修正版Hydra Headロードマップに沿って進行中の作業を追跡する新しいプロジェクトを導入しました。


Mithrilチームは、Cardanoエポック539への移行時に予定されている次のPythagoras Mithril期への切り替えを有効にするトランザクションを作成しました。LinuxでMithrilのビルド済みバイナリを実行するために必要なglibc最小バージョンで、今後のバンプについてのコミュニケーションも始めました。


macOS x64アーキテクチャ用のビルド済みバイナリのサポートを終了し、CI内のエンドツーエンドテストで脆弱性の修正を試みました。



Haskellでは、short-leiosシミュレーションが拡散遅延データを出力し、さまざまなインプットブロック(IB)拡散戦略(freshest-firstやpeer-orderなど)をサポートし、Vote (Send)ステージとVote (Recv)ステージの両方を管理するようになりました。






GitHubブランチと成果物へのフルアクセスは、Project Catalystのドキュメントを参照してください。

