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Weekly development report as of 2025-01-31

Weekly development report as of 2025-01-31


This week, the core technology teams, in collaboration with the community and Intersect working groups, finalized work on the Conway ledger era, successfully delivering the Plomin hard fork. See more details in the Voltaire section. 

Over the past weeks, the ledger team also focused on minor improvements across implementation and testing. They removed the cardano-prelude dependency, dropped the era type parameter from MemoBytes, introduced a NonZero data type, and made predicate failure and environment fields lazy. They also added the `genSizedList` method in the Foldy class, bumped the spec version, updated conformance imp test comments, enabled imp-conformance for ENACT, refined the `GenT` monad structure, and added randomized certificates for imp-tests. On the infrastructure side, they pinned the Cabal version for Haddocks in a GitHub Pages workflow, reordered directories in ``, switched from `cryptonite` to `crypton`, and added a changelog for `cardano-node-10.2`.


The Lace team has released Lace v.1.19.0, introducing significant performance, compatibility, and feature enhancements. This update makes the wallet faster, more versatile, and even easier to use.
Key updates include:

  • DApp explorer. Users can now discover and connect with decentralized applications (DApps)directly within Lace. The explorer, powered by DappRadar, ranks DApps by popularity (unique active wallets). Developers can register their DApps to be automatically included in the Lace DApp explorer. If a DApp does not yet support Lace, users can tag the DApp development team on X to request integration.

  • Performance improvements:

    • Cached chain history and UTXO requests. Lace now caches chain history and UTXO network requests. This reduces duplicate calls to Blockfrost, lowers network load, and boosts wallet speed.

    • Snappier UI. Enhanced responsiveness ensures a smoother, faster user experience.


This week, the Mithril team continued implementing the incremental certification of the Cardano database. They enhanced the implementation of artifact production and upload, worked on the implementations of the client library and the WASM client, and kept adapting the explorer. Additionally, they have been preparing for the upcoming transition to the next 'Pythagoras' Mithril era, which is scheduled to occur in the following weeks.

Finally, the team optimized the compilation times of TLS dependencies in the nodes and started  working on updating the CI pipeline runners following their deprecation.

The Leios team progressed in both the Haskell and Rust implementations to enhance performance and simulation fidelity. In Haskell, they improved parameter handling by introducing disk-based configurations and added a generate-topology command for random setups. Additionally, they aligned the Leios sortition algorithm with established benchmarks. A comparison with a benchmark cluster indicated that adoption times were within 10% of the measured values.

On the Rust side, the team completed an initial block-level visualization, included baked-in latencies in topology files, and improved output formatting. These enhancements enable more consistent comparisons across simulations.

In terms of research and analysis, the team conducted a detailed investigation of the ‘fiat accompli’ sortition scheme for 500-vote committees. They discovered a combination of deterministic and random voters that significantly reduces the size of certificates. They also initiated a downstream impact assessment to identify potential effects on indexers, explorers, SDKs, APIs, DApps, and wallets, particularly concerning transaction construction and memory pool sharding. Furthermore, a DeltaQ analysis was performed to ensure that diffusion models matched across simulations and implementations. It is important to note that the Haskell simulation accounts for bandwidth constraints, with a delay of 328 ms per hop at 1 MB/s, while the Rust simulation currently does not include these constraints.


On January 29, 2025, Cardano achieved the transition to full community governance with the enactment of the Plomin hard fork.

The upgrade was enacted on-chain after the hard fork was approved by stake pool operators (SPOs) and the interim constitutional committee. This is a truly momentous achievement, not only for Cardano but for the entire blockchain industry.

This is the first hard fork in blockchain's relatively short history to be decided, approved, and enacted with the full involvement of the community rather than by a central authority. The decision began with CIP-1694, which was developed over two years and included global community workshops. It is also the only hard fork to date to make such an epochal change to blockchain governance.

Henceforth, the future of the Cardano blockchain is determined by governance actions. Any ada holder can raise a governance action, and all ada holders can vote to accept or reject it. They can do this as individuals or by delegating their voting power to delegated representatives (DReps).

The enactment was so smooth it was almost an anticlimax, largely as a result of the dedication and skill of the core team developers that made it happen.


This week, the education team attended internal workshops and continued their work on updates to the Cardano developer course. They also moved forward with planning for Midnight education.



過去数週間にわたり、台帳チームは実装とテスト全体の軽微な改良にも注力してきました。cardano-prelude依存関係を削除し、MemoBytesから開発期型パラメーターを削除し、NonZeroデータ型を導入し、 述語障害フィールドと環境フィールドを遅延評価にしました。FoldyクラスにgenSizedListメソッドを追加し、仕様バージョンを更新し、適合性impテストコメントを更新し、ENACTのimp-conformanceを有効にし、GenTモナド構造を改良し、imp-testsのランダム化証明書を追加しました。インフラ面では、GitHub PagesワークフローでHaddocks用のCabalバージョンを固定し、RELEASING.mdでディレクトリを並べ替え、cryptoniteからcryptonに切り替え、cardano-node-10.2変更ログを追加しました。


LaceチームはLace v.1.19.0をリリースし、大幅なパフォーマンス、互換性、機能強化を導入しました。この更新により、ウォレットの速度と汎用性が高まり、さらに使いやすくなりました。


  • DAppエクスプローラー:ユーザーはLace内で分散型アプリケーション(DApp)を直接検出して接続できるようになりました。DappRadarを搭載したエクスプローラーは、人気(ユニークなアクティブウォレット)でDAppをランク付けします。開発者はLace DAppエクスプローラーに自動的に含まれるようにDAppを登録することができます。DAppがまだLaceをサポートしていない場合、ユーザーはX上でDAppの開発チームをタグ付けして統合を申請することができます。

  • パフォーマンスの向上

    • **キャッシュされたチェーン履歴とUTXOリクエスト:**Laceはチェーン履歴とUTXOネットワークリクエストをキャッシュするようになりました。これにより、Blockfrostへの重複呼び出しが減少し、ネットワーク負荷が低下し、ウォレット速度が向上します。

    • Snappier UI:応答性の向上により、よりスムーズで高速なユーザー体験を実現します。


Mithrilチームは、Cardanoデータベースの増分認証の実装作業を続けました。アーティファクトの生成とアップロードの実装を強化し、クライアントライブラリーとWASMクライアントの実装に取り組み、エクスプローラーの適応を続けました。数週間以内に予定されている、次のPythagoras Mithril期への移行の準備も進めています。











