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Weekly development report as of 2025-01-24

Weekly development report as of 2025-01-24


This week, the consensus team continued improving documentation, enhancing the security of the consensus layer, and contributing to early-stage efforts in the Peras workstream. The UTXO-HD branch is being updated to utilize forward deserializability for transaction outputs (commits: 1, 2, 3). A successful local chain synchronization was performed with the latest UTXO-HD-enabled node using the in-memory backend, indicating steady progress in the development of this feature.

Lastly, the team has outlined objectives for this quarter, which can be accessed here.

The performance and tracing team released benchmarks for node v.10.1.4 and evaluated the performance impact of ledger metrics trace location. They also advanced the locli analysis tool by adding database-backed quick queries and merged the voting workload definition into the master branch, continuing work on a Haskell profile definition. In tracing, the team developed a C library for trace forwarding, improved fallback configurations, and furthered documentation efforts.

Finally, the team has introduced a new Discord channel, #tracing-monitoring, to support the rollout of the new tracing system in the community. Please join to be part of our Discord.


The Plutus team has implemented a new language construct called Fix. The team would like to assess whether the advantages of this addition outweigh the added complexity to the language. Community feedback is highly encouraged. Additionally, the Plutus team has added two new pages to the user guide: ‘Simplifying Code Before Compilation’ and ‘CLI Tool for Plutus’.


The Hydra team has completed a custom ledger experiment (commits: 1, 2, 3) and is nearing the end of incremental commits, although final specification changes are still in progress. The team also restored hydra-explorer for version 0.19, added a CLI option for deposit deadlines, researched partially-trusted consensus within a Hydra head, and investigated node resilience during offline periods (commits: 1, 2). 

Moving forward, the team will focus on memory usage enhancements, finish multiple-version support in hydra-explorer, plan the version 0.20.0 release, continue supporting Hydra Doom, and begin work on an API command to clear pending transactions.

This week, the Mithril team continued implementing the incremental certification of the Cardano database. They completed the cloud synchronization of artifacts, introduced enhancements and optimizations for artifact production, and adapted the explorer to accommodate these changes. Additionally, they finalized the design for splitting the mithril-common crate and re-spun the testing-sanchonet network.

Other progress includes starting work on compressing aggregator HTTP responses, fixing a bug that prevented debug logs from being produced on the nodes, and resolving an issue with Prometheus data recording in the infrastructure.

The Leios team made significant progress in three key areas: cryptography benchmarks, design, and simulation development.

Cryptography benchmarks and design

The team developed and benchmarked the complete Leios cryptography suite within the leios_crypto_benchmarks Rust crate. They achieved VRF proving times of 240 µs and verification times of 390 µs. BLS operations, such as key possession proof verification, took 1.5 ms per key, while vote generation and verification times were 280 µs and 1.4 ms, respectively. Generating a 300-vote quorum required 50 ms, and verifying it took 90 ms. Additionally, the team optimized vote signature sizes to potentially reduce them to 192 bytes. They confirmed that 500-vote committee certificates (approximately 58 kB) can fit within Praos blocks and completed the cryptography sections for the first technical report.

Simulation development

Haskell Simulation*.* The team achieved diffusion latency similar to the benchmark cluster data for Praos blocks. They coordinated with the Rust team to integrate parameters, added JSON event logging, and introduced a 'short-leios' variant that aligns with the mainnet ranking block interval.

Rust Simulation*.* The team improved the simulation by adding more detailed CPU simulation times, fixing a race condition in the simulated clock, and adopting a shared configuration format. Default parameters can now be found in data/simulation/default.yaml.


The governance action for the Plomin hard fork has met the necessary conditions for ratification. This includes a positive vote from Input | Output (IO), a member of the interim constitutional committee (ICC). The constitution requires approval by 51% of stake pool operators and 67% of the ICC for ratification. Additionally, the guardrail condition stipulating that 85% of stake pools, based on active stake, must operate a compatible version of the Cardano node has also been fulfilled.

Once the hard fork is ratified at the epoch boundary on January 24, 2025, it will be enacted at the next epoch boundary on January 29.

The next step in Cardano’s governance process will be ratifying the delegate-approved constitution. The newly-enabled delegated representatives will have a vital role in this step.


The onboarding process for Fund13 is going smoothly, with test transactions of 1 ada successfully sent to over 45% of the cohort. Due diligence is also progressing well, as more than 57% of the cohort has already completed this phase of onboarding.

Next week, Retro Town Halls will begin to gather valuable insights from the community regarding the outcomes of Fund 13. Community members are encouraged to register and participate by signing up here.

Meanwhile, the technical development, design, and architecture of the Catalyst native platform remain key priorities as preparations continue for the upcoming funding cycles throughout the year.


This week, the education team is concentrating on internal workshops and planning activities for the year. They are also working on updates to Aiken and enhancements to the Cardano developer course.







Plutusチームは、Fixと呼ばれる新しい言語構造を実装しました。この追加による利点が、言語の複雑化を上回るかどうかを評価したいと考えています。コミュニティからのフィードバックが強く求められています。ユーザーガイドに「Simplifying Code Before Compilation(コンパイル前のコードの簡素化)」と「CLI Tool for Plutus(Plutus用CLIツール)」という2つの新しいページを追加しました。


Hydraチームはカスタム台帳実験(コミット:123)を完了しました。インクリメンタルコミットは最終段階にありますが、最終的な仕様変更はまだ進行中です。バージョン0.19のhydra-explorer復元し、デポジット期限にCLIオプションを追加し、Hydraヘッド内で部分信頼型コンセンサスを調査し、オフライン期間中のノードの回復力を調査しました(コミット:1, 2)。 

今後は、メモリー使用量の強化、hydra-explorerでの複数バージョンのサポートの終了、バージョン0.20.0のリリース計画、Hydra Doomのサポートの継続、保留中のトランザクションをクリアするAPIコマンドの作業開始に集中する予定です。





leios_crypto_benchmarks Rustクレート内でLeios暗号スイートの完全なベンチマークを開発しました。VRFの証明時間240マイクロ秒、検証時間390マイクロ秒を達成しました。鍵所有証明検証のようなBLSの操作は鍵あたり1.5ミリ秒かかりましたが、投票生成と検証にかかった時間はそれぞれ280マイクロ秒と1.4ミリ秒でした。300票のクォーラムの生成には50ミリ秒、検証には90ミリ秒かかりました。投票シグネチャーのサイズを192バイトまで減らせるように最適化しました。500票の委員会証明書(約58KB)がPraosブロック内に収まることを確認し、最初の技術レポートの暗号セクションを完了しました。





Plominハードフォークのガバナンスアクションが、批准に必要な条件を満たしました。これには暫定憲法委員会(ICC)のメンバーであるInput | Output(IO)からの肯定票も含まれます。憲法は、批准にステークプールオペレーターの51%とICCの67%の承認を求めています。加えて、アクティブステークに基づくステークプールの85%が、互換性のあるCardanoノードバージョンを稼働させなければならないというガードレール条件も満たされました。







