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Weekly development report as of 2024-10-25

Weekly development report as of 2024-10-25


This week, the ledger team finalized changes for the upcoming hard fork to protocol version 10.0. Key changes include ensuring the ability to unregister a reward account and withdraw funds in the same transaction, as well as fixing a bug to verify DRep existence for all stake credential delegations. The team continued testing Conway features and made progress on conformance tests.

This week, the performance and tracing team focused on benchmarking, development, and tracing improvements.

The team started benchmarking node version 10.0, the latest pre-release that will fully support Chang #2 features. In development, they focused on calibrating governance action voting workloads within the tx-generator submission service. Due to the complexity of this task, they developed an interim solution using nix and bash, which leveraged cardano-cli to create and submit proposals and votes. This solution is currently undergoing testing and will soon be used for real-world voting benchmarks. Despite its limitations, a more flexible and adaptable workload definition is under development for future use.

In tracing, the team worked on components forwarding metrics and traces to cardano-tracer, involving peers defined by the typed-protocols package. As version 0.3 introduces breaking changes, they have started adapting downstream packages to align with the new API requirements, ensuring compatibility and continued reliability.


This week, the Mithril team released the new distribution 2442.0, which offers stable support for decentralized signature orchestration in both the signer and aggregator, along with the Cardano transaction client library, CLI, WASM, and the Pythagoras Mithril era. This release also includes bug fixes and performance improvements.

The team continued implementing usage metrics by adding a Prometheus endpoint and a Grafana dashboard for the aggregator, and completed preparations for the Pythagoras Mithril era. They also refactored the node logs to enhance readability.

Additionally, they optimized the CI pipeline, deprecated macOS 12 builders, and updated the decentralized message queue CIP pull request, which has now been assigned the CIP number CIP-0137.


In October 2024, Intersect held the first full-scale elections for seven committees and the Intersect board. The election campaign was held as a series of community hubs worldwide. Two board members and 29 committee members were elected from a total of 140 candidates. There will be a second round of elections in April 2025.

Intersect will run general onboarding sessions for successful candidates from October 28 to November 8. These sessions will cover Intersect’s mission and structure and introduce the newly elected members to the committee support team. Each committee will also hold specific onboarding sessions to elect new chairs to facilitate a smooth handover and maintain continuity.


The finalization period has now closed, and Fund13 is advancing into the community review stage, with registration for community reviewers concluded on October 20. Catalyst marks 180 weeks of town halls and is nearing 1,000 completed projects. The Catalyst Voices technical development team presented the first minimum viable experience during town hall 180, offering insights into design concepts, ecosystem principles, and a demo.


This week, members of the education team traveled to support the Cardano Summit event in Argentina. They also reflected on the outcomes of their team meetup last week. Work continues on the Mastering Cardano book.




Chang #2の機能を完全にサポートする最新プレリリースであるノードバージョン10.0のベンチマークを開始しました。開発では、tx-generator送信サービス内のガバナンスアクション投票ワークロードの調整に焦点を当てました。このタスクの複雑さのため、nixとbashを使用した暫定的なソリューションを開発し、cardano-cliを利用して提案と投票を作成、提出しました。このソリューションは現在テスト中であり、近い将来実際の投票ベンチマークに使用される予定です。制限があるものの、現在将来使用するための、より柔軟で適応可能なワークロード定義を開発中です。




Mithrilチームは新しいディストリビューション2442.0をリリースしました。このディストリビューションは、Cardanoトランザクションクライアントライブラリー、CLI、WASM、Pythagoras Mithril期とともに、署名者とアグリゲーターの両方で分散型署名オーケストレーションを安定してサポートします。このリリースにはバグ修正とパフォーマンスの改良も含まれています。

アグリゲーター用にPrometheusエンドポイントとGrafanaダッシュボードを追加するなど使用状況メトリックスの実装を続け、Pythagoras Mithril期の準備を完了しました。読みやすさを向上させるためにノードログをリファクタリングしました。

CIパイプラインの最適化、macOS 12ビルダーの廃止、分散型メッセージキューCIPプルリクエストの更新を行いました。このCIPは CIP-0137とナンバリングされました。





最終案の決定期間は終了し、Fund13はコミュニティレビュー段階に進みました。コミュニティレビュー担当者の登録は10月20日に終了しました。Catalystは180週目のタウンホールを記録し、完成したプロジェクトは1,000件近くに上ります。Catalyst Voiceの技術開発チームは、第180回タウンホールで最初の最小実行可能な体験を提示し、設計コンセプト、エコシステム原則、デモに関する洞察を提供しました。


教育チームのメンバーはアルゼンチンのCardanoサミットに出席しました。先週のチームミートアップの成果についても振り返りました。書籍『Mastering Cardano』の作業も続いています。