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Weekly development report as of 2024-09-20

Weekly development report as of 2024-09-20


This week, the consensus team focused on various areas:

  • They have identified the UTXO set as a primary cause of performance degradation during ledger snapshots. Together with the ledger team, they have proposed a solution to reduce memory allocations when serializing the ledger state.

  • The team drafted scripts to estimate the necessary bandwidth to ensure the CPU is the bottleneck during syncing, informing refinements to the BlockFetch process.

  • On the UTXO-HD front, the team:

    • Addressed benchmarking issues, after which the utxo-hd-9.1 branch showed good results, with memory and CPU usage nearly matching the 9.1 node.

    • Provided a new tool that allows users to convert ledger state snapshots from pre-UTXO-HD to UTXO-HD without replaying the chain.

    • Once the quality engineering team finalizes work on integration tests on the utxo-hd-9.1 branch, the consensus team will update documentation and prepare the branch for merging.

Note that this UTXO-HD release utilizes an LMDB backend and also provides an in-memory backend. The LSM-tree backend is expected to be available in Q1 2025. The UTXO-HD release also represents the first phase in transitioning parts of the ledger state to disk storage, significantly reducing memory requirements and contributing to Cardano’s long-term sustainability.


This week, the Plutus team continued improving the user documentation, with significant updates made to the following pages: Troubleshooting, Plutus Core and Plutus Tx, Glossary, and Producing a Plutus contract blueprint. They also fixed a bug related to the generation of Plutus contract blueprints.


This week, the Hydra team released version 0.19.0 of the hydra-node, which upgrades the ledger to Conway while maintaining compatibility with Babbage transactions. They made small improvements to the TUI, and initial investigations into ‘Head-in-Head’ operations, where one Hydra head could launch another, were conducted. Although not yet supported, this feature is under  consideration for future development. Moving forward, the team will continue work on incremental commits, explore a Blockfrost chain layer, enhance core networking, and plan upcoming Hydra Doom-related work.

The Mithril team continued working on decentralizing the signature orchestration of the Mithril network. They kept implementing a buffer store for individual signatures that may arrive before being processed by an aggregator, worked on refactoring the signer state machine, and started developing a mechanism to support specific configurations for signing Cardano transactions. Additionally, they fixed the panics occurring in the signer and aggregator during Cardano chain rollbacks.

Finally, the team continued preparing the next distribution and investigated a problem preventing the consistent certification of Cardano transactions in the pre-release-preview network.


Now that Intersect has completed the first stage of the Chang upgrade, elections are underway for seven committees and the membership board. There are more applicants than seats for all positions, so the election will be meaningful and enthusiastically contested.

Annual members’ meetings will be held worldwide in early October, followed by a virtual town hall.


This week in Catalyst, town hall 175 was held, and Fund13 will be officially launched during next week's town hall. Meanwhile, technical development of Hermes/Athena continues, and the support of Fund13 parameters and guardrails is ongoing.


This week, the education team made their final preparations for the Cardano Days event in Wyoming on Saturday, September 21, and are organizing the Cardano Days event in Santander, Spain. They were also on the ground supporting the constitutional committee workshop in Mongolia and worked on educational content for Voltaire.



  • 台帳スナップショット中のパフォーマンス低下の主な原因としてUTXOセットを特定。台帳チームと協力して、台帳ステータスをシリアル化する際のメモリー割り当てを減らすソリューションを提案した。

  • CPUが同期中に確実にボトルネックになるようにするために必要な帯域幅を見積もるスクリプトを作成し、BlockFetchプロセスに改良を通知した。

  • UTXO-HD関連では、以下を実施。

    • ベンチマークの不具合に対処。その後、utxo-HD-9.1ブランチの結果は良好で、メモリーとCPUの使用率は9.1ノードとほぼ一致。

    • ユーザーが、台帳ステータスのスナップショットをUTXO-HD以前からUTXO-HDにチェーンのリプレイなしに変換できる新しいツールを提供。

    • 品質エンジニアリングチームがutxo-HD-9.1ブランチの統合テストの作業を完了したら、コンセンサスチームがドキュメントを更新し、ブランチのマージを準備する。



Plutusチームはユーザードキュメントの改訂を続け、トラブルシューティングPlutus CoreとPlutus Tx用語集Plutusコントラクトのブループリントの作成を大幅に更新しました。Plutusコントラクトのブループリントの生成に関連するバグを修正しました。


Hydraチームはhydra-nodeのバージョン0.19.0をリリースしました。これは、Babbageトランザクションとの互換性を維持しながら、台帳をConwayにアップグレードするものです。TUIに軽微な改良を施し、1つのHydraヘッドが別のヘッドを立ち上げることができるHead-in-Headオペレーションの初期調査が実施されました。この機能はまだサポートされておらず、今後の開発のために検討中です。今後は、インクリメンタルコミットに取り組み、Blockfrostチェーンレイヤーを調査し、コアネットワーキングを強化し、Hydra Doom関連の作業計画を立てます。









教育チームは9月21日土曜日にワイオミングで開催されるCardano Daysイベントの最終準備を行い、スペインのサンタンデールのCardano Daysイベントの手配を行っています。モンゴルでの憲法委員会ワークショップを支援し、Voltaireの教育コンテンツにも取り組みました。