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Weekly development report as of 2024-09-13

Weekly development report as of 2024-09-13


This week, the ledger team implemented a new Conway-related feature that disallows stake credentials from withdrawing rewards if they are backed by a key hash and not delegated to any DRep. This feature will become effective after the bootstrap phase. The team also worked on additional tests and fixed several minor bugs, including GovInfoEvent ledger event and ledger state deserialization bugs, which was necessary for the node v.9.1.1 release. The team also addressed technical debt by cleaning up unnecessary predicate failures and fixing flaky tests from Byron and Alonzo ledger eras.

The performance and tracing team released benchmarks for node v.9.1.1. They also created a local tool to replicate the observed increase in UTXO-HD RAM usage, established a new performance baseline named 'Age of Voltaire', and started testing the adjusted Nomad backend. Infrastructure improvements include removing the requirement for Vault and optimizing cluster setups. In the tracing area, the team integrated a new metrics naming schema and continued working on routing adjustments to internal monitoring servers along with eliminating some dependencies.


The Mithril team continued working on decentralizing the signature orchestration of the Mithril network. In this preliminary phase, they kept implementing a buffer store for individual signatures that may arrive before being processed by an aggregator. They also worked on refactoring the state machine of the signer and addressed panics occurring in both the signer and aggregator during rollbacks of Cardano transactions. Additionally, they modified the pre-loading mechanism for importing Cardano transactions, ensuring it repeats indefinitely in the signer.

Finally, the team continued preparing the next distribution and investigated a breaking change introduced in a Hydra CI dependency.


During the Voltaire development phase, the Cardano blockchain is led and overseen by Intersect MBO members (including Input | Output), which enables the whole community to shape Cardano's future through the governing board and committees.

You now have the opportunity to participate. Applications for committee and board seats are currently open and will close on September 27.

Please be aware that only full members (those with paid memberships) are eligible to stand for election and vote.

For inquiries regarding your membership status or any questions, please refer to Intersect's knowledge base or join the dedicated Discord channel.

These resources can be accessed through your member portal or the following links:

The team is excited to announce that they have already received several applications, which can be accessed through the links below. They will be publishing new applications daily, as long as they are from verified paid members:

If you or someone else can make a meaningful contribution, please consider applying for a seat or encouraging others to do so.


This week in Catalyst, town hall 174 provided a preview of Fund13's categories and guardrails. Catalyst Japan is gearing up to showcase regional impacts alongside the IO tour. Onboarding for Fund12 winners is almost complete, and development of the Hermes and Catalyst Voices projects is ongoing.


This week, the education team is preparing content for the upcoming Cardano Days event at the University of Wyoming next week and the Cardano Days event in Santander, Spain. Stay tuned for more details on the dates and location of the Santander event! The team also worked on updates to the Mastering Cardano book and supported the constitutional committee workshop in Mongolia.



パフォーマンス&トレースチームはノードv.9.1.1のベンチマークをリリースしました。UTXO-HDのRAM使用量の増加を再現するためのローカルツールを作成し、Age of Voltaireと名付けた新しいパフォーマンスベースラインを確立し、調整したNomadバックエンドのテストを開始しました。インフラの改善には、Vault要件の削除やクラスター設定の最適化が含まれます。トレース領域では、新しいメトリクス命名スキーマを統合し、一部の依存関係を排除するとともに、内部監視サーバーへのルーティング調整への取り組みを続けました。



次のディストリビューションの準備を続け、Hydra CI依存関係に導入された最新の変更を調査しました。


Voltaire開発段階では、CardanoブロックチェーンはIntersect MBOメンバー(Input|Outputを含む)によって主導、監督され、コミュニティ全体が理事会や委員会を通じてCardanoの未来を形作ることができるようになります。








Catalystでは、タウンホール174でFund13のカテゴリーとガードレールのプレビューが提供されました。IOツアーと並行して、Catalyst Japanは現地の影響力を紹介する準備を進めています。Fund12を獲得したプロジェクトのオンボーディングはほぼ完了しており、HermesとCatalyst Voicesプロジェクトの開発は進行中です。


教育チームは来週開催のワイオミング大学Cardano Daysイベントとスペインのサンタンデールで開催されるCardano Daysイベントのコンテンツを準備しています。サンタンデールイベントの開催日と開催場所の詳細情報にご期待ください。書籍『Mastering Cardano』の更新に取り組み、モンゴルで開催された憲法委員会ワークショップをサポートしました。