This week, the performance and tracing team conducted several key activities:
Benchmarking. The team released
node v.9.1
benchmarks, conductedUTXO-HD
in-memory benchmarks, and evaluated typed-protocols feature benchmarks. -
Development. They improved resource trace emission for the CPU 85% spans metric and continued working on governance action benchmarking.
Workbench. Prepared for an update to
, began removing the container-basedpodman
backend, and added support for GHC 9.8nix
shells. -
Infrastructure. The team tested and validated changes in the
submission protocol. -
Tracing. They integrated support for non-
Linux incardano-tracer
and implemented a safe restart for internal monitoring servers.
The consensus team worked on enhancements to the `ChainSync` client test and documented tasks for a caught-up node, offering useful insights for SPOs. Tweag also presented the final Genesis statement of work to the consensus team, which is now reviewed and planned for a phased rollout.
In UTXO-HD benchmarks, a race condition was resolved. However, a proposed fix for increased heap size did not yield improvements and will not be merged.
Following a successful presence at Rare Evo 2024, the Lace team is now reviewing feedback received during the event. This feedback will be considered for future releases of the Lace wallet to enhance user experience and functionality.
This week, the Plutus team further enhanced Plinth (formerly Plutus Tx) user documentation. New content has been added, including sections on 'Different notions of version,' 'Plutus ledger language version (Plutus V1/V2/V3),' and an 'Overview of languages compiling to UPLC.' These updates aim to clarify and enrich the resources available for developers working with Plinth.
The Hydra team launched the Hydra Doom project at Rare Evo. Alongside this launch, they updated their landing page and released a minor version update that included a crucial bug fix. Moving forward, the team will continue focusing on incremental commits, network testing, and ensuring general API compatibility.
The Mithril team has completed their work on certifying Cardano's stake distribution. They implemented the client library, client CLI, client NPM package, and drafted a CIP for the diffusion of Mithril signatures through the Cardano network. Additionally, they introduced a mechanism for supporting evolutive configuration options in the client, began a proof of concept for integrating signature diffusion with the Cardano network layer, created a new runbook in the documentation, and made progress on external contributions to the repository.
The Chang hard fork working group has been meeting every day this week to decide the final date for triggering the first stage of the Chang upgrade. This upgrade marks Cardano's entry into the Conway ledger era and sets the stage for the Voltaire development phase – a self-sustaining and community-governed blockchain.
The pre-production testnet executed the hard fork on August 22 in preparation. August 27 and September 1 are the dates considered for the mainnet upgrade.
The hard fork working group, facilitated by Intersect, is meeting today, August 23, at 13:00 UTC to decide the most appropriate date.
Follow the progress on Intersect’s knowledge base and watch IOG X announcements.
Town halls are paused until the launch of Fund13, allowing the community to refresh during the cool-down period after an active Fund12. Onboarding and due diligence processes for new projects progress smoothly, ensuring a seamless transition as the community gears up for the next phase.
This week, the education team is collating survey feedback from participants of the recent Cardano Developer course at the UTN in Buenos Aires. Additionally, they are focusing on developing new Plutus education topics and updating content for the ‘Mastering Cardano’ series.
ベンチマーク:node v.9.1ベンチマークをリリースし、UTXO-HDインメモリーベンチマークを実施し、型付きプロトコル機能のベンチマークを評価しました。
ワークベンチ:nixpkgsへの更新準備をし、コンテナーベースのpodmanバックエンドの削除を開始し、GHC 9.8 nixシェルのサポートを追加しました。
追跡:cardano-tracerに非systemd Linuxのサポートを統合し、内部監視サーバーの安全な再起動を実装しました。
Rare EVO 2024で活躍したLaceチームは、イベント中に受け取ったフィードバックのレビュー中です。このフィードバックは、ユーザーエクスペリエンスと機能性を強化するために、Laceウォレットの今後のリリースで検討されます。
PlutusチームはPlinth(旧Plutus Tx)のユーザードキュメントをさらに強化し、「Different notions of version(さまざまなバージョン概念)」、「Plutus ledger language version (Plutus V1/V2/V3)(Plutus台帳言語バージョン)」、「Overview of languages compiling to UPLC(UPLCにコンパイルした言語の概要)」などの新たなセクションを追加しました。この更新は、Plinthを使用する開発者が利用できるリソースを明確にし、充実させることを目的としています。
HydraチームはRare EvoでHydra Doomプロジェクトを立ち上げました。この立ち上げと並行してランディングページを更新し、重要なバグ修正を含むマイナーバージョン更新をリリースしました。今後は、インクリメンタルコミット、ネットワークテスト、汎用APIとの互換性の確保に引き続き注力します。
Changハードフォークワーキンググループは、Changアップグレードの第一段階開始日の最終決定のために、今週毎日会合を開いています。 このアップグレードは、CardanoがConway台帳期に入ったことを示し、自律的でコミュニティが管理するブロックチェーンであるVoltaire開発フェーズの舞台を整えるものです。
Intersectのナレッジベースで進捗状況を追跡し、IOG Xの発表をチェックしてください。
教育チームはブエノスアイレスのUTNで開催されたCardano開発者コースに関するアンケート結果を照合しています。Plutusの新しい教育トピックの開発とMastering Cardanoシリーズのコンテンツの更新にも焦点を当てています。