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Weekly development report as of 2024-02-16

Weekly development report as of 2024-02-16


This week, the core technology teams released Cardano node v.8.8.0-pre, which enables testing Plutus V3 scripts on SanchoNet. Read more in the Voltaire section. 

DB-Sync started integration with the latest version of the Cardano node.

The ledger team focused on implementing fixes, writing tests, and improving testing frameworks. Critical bug fixes included retaining Anchor for proposal procedures in the ledger state, ensuring JSON serialization of rational numbers in protocol parameters and governance procedures. Additionally, the team achieved a significant milestone by developing the cuddle Haskell package, aimed at transitioning to specifying CDDL in Haskell for all eras. This transition will streamline CDDL specification compilation and offer benefits such as reduced duplication, reuse of specifications, and enhanced safety and correctness of specifications and decoders.


This week, the Lace team addressed core API usage issues, ensuring readiness for a forthcoming small patch in v.1.8.2.


This week, the Plutus team enhanced the Plutus IR inliner to enable the inlining of constants. This adjustment consistently lowers the script cost and often further reduces it.


This week, the Hydra team worked on forward compatibility for Conway support, deployed the Hydra explorer tool, and improved model-based testing to support more actions.

The Mithril team implemented a new data type for certifying Cardano transactions within Mithril networks and upgraded the client library and CLI for transaction verification. They released the new Mithril network on SanchoNet and added a feature to the Pallas chain observer to support the retrieval of Mithril era markers. Additionally, the team addressed flakiness in CI end-to-end tests.

Finally, the team kept working on the threat modeling and risk analysis for the Mithril network and updated the Mithril network architecture documentation.


With the release of Cardano node v.8.8.0-pre, community members can now experiment with Plutus V3 in Conway-era transactions on SanchoNet. Plutus V3 brings several new capabilities such as a new Voting script purpose for writing voting scripts, access to governance actions in the ScriptContext, new cryptographic Plutus primitives (BLS, Keccak256, and Blake2b-224), and more. For more details about Plutus V3, read this recently published blog post.


This week the Project Catalyst team is delighted to announce the official results of Project Catalyst Fund11. Congratulations to all participants in this round.

Once again, community participation has underscored the desire to voice opinions and guide the ecosystem's progress. Approximately 8,000 wallets collectively submitted over 300,000 individual votes to determine 300 funded projects in this round. This brings the total number of projects in the Catalyst history to 1,647, with nearly 800 now completed.

On behalf of the entire Catalyst team, we thank each and every one of you for your trust and patience and for making this moment a reality! See the full announcement here.


This week, the education team is delivering the second iteration of the Cardano Developer Course with ABC to an online cohort of aspiring blockchain developers across Africa. 

They are also finalizing the Marlowe Curriculum for Educators, a new open education resource for Cardano community members who want to offer an introductory class or workshop on Marlowe and the Marlowe TS-SDK.


コアテクノロジーチームはCardanoノードv.8.0-preをリリースしました。これで、Plutus V3スクリプトがSanchoNetでテスト可能になります。詳細は、Voltaireセクションをご覧ください。 






PlutusチームはPlutus IRインライナーを強化し、定数のインライン化を可能にしました。この調整でスクリプトコストが全体的に削減され、多くのケースでさらなる削減が見られます。






Cardanoノードv.8.0-preのリリースに伴い、コミュニティメンバーはSanchoNet上においてConway期のトランザクションでPlutus V3を試すことができるようになりました。Plutus V3は、投票スクリプトを書くための新しいVotingスクリプト、ScriptContextでのガバナンスアクションへのアクセス、新しいPlutus暗号化プリミティブ(BLS、Keccak256、Blake2b-224)など、複数の新機能をもたらします。Plutus V3の詳細は、最近公開されたこちらのブログ記事をご覧ください。


Project Catalystチームは、Project Catalyst Fund11の公式結果を発表できることを嬉しく思います。このラウンドのすべての参加者の皆さん、おめでとうございます。





MarloweとMarlowe TS-SDKの入門クラスやワークショップを提供したいと考えているCardanoコミュニティメンバーに向けた新しいオープン教育リソース、Marlowe Curriculum for Educatorsも仕上げに入っています。