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Weekly development report as of 2023-05-26

Weekly development report as of 2023-05-26


This week, the core technology teams continued working on node, networking, and ledger improvements.

As always, see this technical development report for more details from different teams.


This week, the Lace team added the capability to the cardano-js-sdk backend to import multi-address wallets (eg, Daedalus) into the Lace wallet. The team also progressed in preparing the foundation for adding multi-delegation UI components. 

The Adrestia team is continuing to work on separating out the balance TX library, progressing enhancements to the database layer, and working on multi-signature wallet delegation functionality.


This week, the Plutus tools team worked on a bug fix in the EpochState indexer, verification of the correctness of the AddressUtxo indexer by comparing it with cardano-db-sync, and on getting burned tokens events from the MintBurn indexer exclusively. They also investigated how to integrate the standalone emulator with Atlas, and the creation of a standalone emulator with a Haskell interface. 

The Plutus core team completed the formalization of sums-of-products in Untyped Plutus Core, and the design for the support of polymorphic built-ins in the metatheory.

The Marlowe team created a test suite for the Marlowe validator and .flat files for Plutus validator measurements. They improved the Marlowe Runtime docker and the JS version of the call for differences with oracle in the Marlowe Playground. The team also added the health check endpoint to Marlowe Explorer, improved marlowe-playground setup, and ensured that its test suite passes. 

Finally, they made test DSL improvements, fixed some CLI bugs, and made updates related to the Marlowe Runtime changes.  


The Hydra team worked on several workflows, including improvements to their CI build process speed, logs, and documentation. They wrote a section about how to operate a Hydra node, updated the ‘Coding Standards’ for the project, and improved the troubleshooting page on their website. 

Finally, the team completed a feature request that allows clients to submit and validate transactions to their Hydra nodes using time validity ranges, which ensures isomorphism with layer 1.

This week, the Mithril team worked on the implementation of the framework to sign generic types of data in the client node. They also made some refactoring and optimization on the runtime state machines of the aggregator and the signer nodes, and refactored the Signed Entity service of the aggregator.

Finally, the team completed the implementation of the new stake distribution computation and the upgrade of the Mithril networks to Cardano node v.8.0.0.


This week in Voltaire, CIP-1694 community workshops continue with the first two hosted last weekend in Buenos Aires and Mexico City. If you want to contribute to Cardano’s on-chain governance design, read and comment directly in GitHub and join the conversation wherever you are. See events.

Also, see May Essential Cardano360 to hear more about the workshops.

There are two co-hosted events in Zug and Tokyo, hosted by the Cardano Foundation and EMURGO respectively. To join and register your interest, see the attached links.


This week in Project Catalyst, a number of teams presented their projects to the community during the Catalyst town hall. During this week’s town hall, a special announcement was made, indicating that the launch of Fund10 is set to start on June 21st.

You can rewatch the segment from the town hall here. There will be more information shared in the coming weeks, make sure to stay tuned and register your attendance for the upcoming town hall.

Lastly, if you’re trying to stay up to date with everything happening in Project Catalyst, bookmark the past issues of the weekly newsletter. Check it out here.


This week, the Education team completed the feedback survey for participants of the 4th Plutus Pioneer program, and worked on the course certification. They are also busy preparing content for the Cardano Days workshops happening next month and working on Mastering Cardano.






Adrestiaチームは、Balance TXライブラリーの分離、データベース層の拡張、マルチシグウォレットの委任機能に引き続き取り組んでいます。



Plutus Coreチームは、型なしPlutus Coreにおけるsums-of-productsの形式化と、メタ理論におけるポリモーフィックな組み込みをサポートするための設計を完了しました。

Marloweチームは、Marloweバリデーター用のテストスイートとPlutusバリデーター測定用の.flatファイルを作成しました。Marlowe Runtime DockerとMarlowe PlaygroundでのOracleとの違いを求めるJSバージョンを改良しました。Marloweエクスプローラーにヘルスチェックエンドポイントを追加し、marlowe-playgroundのセットアップを改善し、テストスイートが確実に合格するようにしました。 

DSL改良版をテストし、CLIのバグを修正し、Marlowe Runtimeの変更に関連した更新を行いました。  

Basho( スケーリング)







ワークショップの詳細については、5月のCardano360 <INSERT 360 LINK>でも紹介されています。



Project Catalystでは、Catalystタウンホールで多くのチームによるプロジェクトの発表がコミュニティに向け行われました。また、Fund10が6月21日に開始されることが発表されました。


週刊ニュースレターの過去の号をブックマークに登録して、Project Catalystの最新情報を入手してください。詳しくは、こちらをご覧ください。


教育チームは、第4回Plutusパイオニアプログラム参加者のフィードバックアンケートを完了し、コース認定に取り組みました。来月開催されるCardano Daysワークショップのコンテンツの準備や、『Mastering Cardano』にも取り組んでいます。