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Weekly development report as of 2023-04-28

Weekly development report as of 2023-04-28


Over the last two weeks, the ledger team continued making progress on CIP-1694 and the Conway ledger era development. In particular, they added Plutus v3 support to Conway, modified delegation certificates, and added some governance ledger states. The team also made small improvements to the ledger API and now host the Haskell code documentation (Haddocks) on GitHub pages.

As always, see this technical development report for more details from different teams.


This week, the Daedalus team removed Catalyst fund information from the wallet because of API issues. They also worked on a solution to enable Daedalus users to fetch the ada price without relying on the CoinGecko API, and improved the auto-generation of TSL certificates, making it easier to debug the application using cardano-wallet.

The team continued working on the Lace desktop development. They addressed technical debt by improving the webpack bundler, enhancing eslint and tslint rules for code quality, and adding support for the Wallaby.js tool to enhance unit-test development. They also added a new feature to manage authorized DApp whitelisting, and resolved some end-to-end test failures together with the QA team. 

The Adrestia team worked on the community feedback following the Lace launch, and continued planning for the next cardano-js-sdk update.

Finally, the team is still working on extracting the transaction balancing library and wrapping up the multi-signature wallet delegation functionality.


The Plutus team continued working on Marconi indexers and on Plutus built-in functions for BLS12-381 curves, which are expected to be made available in Plutus v3. See CIP-0381 for more details.

The Marlowe team updated the structure and Haskell part of the report responding to the final audit, updated some links in the Playground, and simplified linorder instances. They also made minor fixes to the Isabelle specification, enhanced the Marlowe Runtime submit flow to handle CIP-30 signing strategy, added more property tests, tested precise trace-based failure for Marlowe Validators, and updated the documentation. 


The Hydra team worked on fixing state machine continuity on-chain, discussed voting project solutions, explored the addition of Hydra support to Kupo, and improved API reference navigation by adding a sidebar. The team also updated several dependencies and fixed some issues in the test suites in preparation for the 0.10.0 release.

This week, the Mithril team continued implementing the new certifier service of the aggregator, which is in charge of producing certificates for multi-signatures. They also started implementing the interfaces defined to provide certification of a new type of data applied to the Mithril stake distribution and the fully immutable Cardano files snapshot.

Finally, they worked on fixing a bug in the signer registration that sometimes prevented some of the signers from participating in the signature process during an epoch.


CIP-1694 marks the first iteration of Cardano’s on-chain governance. Given its importance, achieving broad consensus is vital as Cardano looks to the future. To make that happen, it’s equally important the community conducts its own governance discussions and events. 

There's an open invitation for global community leaders and groups to run their own workshops, with financial support made available. This is your chance to bring Cardano and discussions on governance to your local community. Applications close on Monday, May 1st at 23:00 UTC - to read more and apply see here.


This week in Project Catalyst, several teams presented their projects to the community during the Catalyst town hall. You can rewatch the segment from the main town hall here. The Catalyst community hosts a town hall every week. If you haven’t registered for next week’s yet, you can register your attendance for the upcoming town hall here.

Lastly, if you’re trying to stay up to date with everything happening in Project Catalyst, bookmark the past issues of the weekly newsletter. Check it out here.


この2週間、台帳チームはCIP-1694とConway台帳期の開発に取り組んでいます。具体的には、ConwayにPlutus V3のサポートを追加し、委任証明書を変更し、ガバナンス台帳ステータスを追加しました。台帳APIにマイナーな改良を加え、現在GitHubページでHaskellコードドキュメント(Haddocks)をホストしています。



Daedalusチームは、APIの不具合のためにウォレットからCatalystファンド情報を削除しました。DaedalusユーザーがCoinGecko APIに依存せずにADA価格をフェッチできるようにするソリューションにも取り組み、TSL証明書の自動生成を改良し、cardano-walletを使用してアプリケーションのデバッグを簡易化しました。





Marconiインデクサー、およびPlutus v3で利用可能となる予定のBLS12-381曲線用Plutus組み込み関数への取り組みを続けました。詳細は、CIP-0381を参照してください。

Marloweチームは、最終監査に応じたレポートの構造とHaskell部分、Playgroundのリンクを更新し、linorderインスタンスを簡素化しました。Isabelleの仕様にマイナーな修正を加え、Marlowe Runtimeのsubmitフローを拡張してCIP-30署名戦略の処理を可能にし、プロパティテストを追加し、Marlowe Validatorsのトレースベースの正確な失敗をテストし、ドキュメントを更新しました。 

Basho( スケーリング)





CIP-1694 は、Cardanoのオンチェーンガバナンスの最初のイテレーションです。その重要性を考えると、Cardanoは将来を見据えて幅広いコンセンサスを達成することが不可欠です。この実現には、コミュニティが独自のガバナンスに関する議論やイベントを実施することも同様に重要です。 



Project Catalystでは、Catalystタウンホールで複数のチームによるプロジェクトの発表がコミュニティに向け行われました。ここで、メインタウンホールからセグメントを再視聴できます。Catalystコミュニティは、毎週タウンホールミーティングを主催しています。来週のタウンホールに登録を済ませていない場合は、ここから次回の参加登録を行ってください。

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