🏕️Live Coding takes place every Wednesday and Thursday, from 14:30 UTC.
We've got 7 weeks left to close out 2023.
Right now, we have space to 👩🔬experiment.
Maybe we'll keep running the sessions just like we have been. Or maybe, we'll make a 🏄♀️seasonal shift from the kind of guided-onboarding that we've been doing ↗️toward a more intentional collaboration. Please bring your intentions the next session - we'll have some time to align on what each of us wants to accomplish.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErceCqpzMtG9XldfuPnBQEus5MBivl9OZe#/registration
Looking forward to it! -------------
And talking about intentional collaboration: do you know what will be the best platform to 🚣♀️learn-by-doing, 🫂collaborate, 🏗️contribute 🙋♀️and make decisions? The Andamio platform. Coming soon.