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"Houston, we have a problem"

In one of her most recent interviews, Christina Gianelloni, COO of Blink Labs, founding member of PRAGMA, and one of the most respected figures in the Cardano development ecosystem on her own merits (former Developer Relations Lead on the Gentoo Linux distro, and the impressive history in a career of over two decades in technology continues), describes exactly the problem that Andamio platform Learn-To-Work platform helps solve:

Problem: “In Cardano, we don’t have a really good solution to allowing people to show their skills, and allowing prospective employers to find them.”

Current situation: “in the Catalyst Discord server, people will drop in different channels and it always comes across super spammy to drop in and be like “hey I’m a developer, I’ve got these skills, come check out my link “ … I don’t think we should have people clicking your link, we don’t even know who you are, because it’s never a link to like GitHub or anything, it’s a link to their site, and you never know what you’re going to land on with some of the different sites they are sending.

Then you’ve got the businesses that come in and just post periodically and they’ll just be “boom! web developer, this amount”, “boom! Haskell developer, this amount”, and it’s just so spammy, I don’t know them, I don’t know why I would want to talk with them.

So there’s not a good presentation, there’s not a good place for people present themselves, and the places people are using don’t seem to be helping very much.”

Blink Labs is a company that is building in Cardano for the future, using and building technologies that can scale, with a team that comes from companies like Box, Apple, Yahoo, Microsoft, and Google. When Cardano companies of this caliber can’t meet their basic technical talent needs natively at Cardano, they have to go outside to get it: Houston, we have a problem.

However: Houston, Andamio platform is working on a solution.

In the informal, non-standard, inefficiency-ridden scenario for both parties described by Christina, the solution Andamio brings to the table can be defined within the context of the following pattern: collect skills evidence, analyze that evidence, establish whether the foundational skills are in place, in which case the next step is to develop a training process from those fundamentals, collect skills evidence again, and finally, create an on-chain record of requirements satisfaction.

What foundational skills should be assessed at the beginning of the cycle? While the list can be as long as organizations see fit, three aspects stand out as those upon which more specialized skills can be built in the framework of organization-employee collaboration:

  • Knowledge of the fundamentals of a specific technology or set of technologies.

  • Ability to learn

  • Ability to teamwork

Andamio platform is a learn-to-work platform for learning and contribution. Andamio’s contribution platform provides the fundamental skills assessment framework that organizations require, and when there is talent to start with, Andamio’s learning platform provides the Project-Based Learning environment that injects the skills required by the organization.

Thanks to Christina for offering such valuable insights, and thanks to Anastasia for such a fantastic interview:

Andamio platform’s commitment to advancing Cardano’s technical infrastructure based on building replicable systems is evident in its ambitious development initiatives. To learn more about the technologies that work underneath Andamio’s Learn-to-Work platform, check out the Catalyst proposals we have completed in the last few rounds and those that are in the works: