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Today at 🎢 Gimbalabs Playground🎡: Lido Nation crew

Today at 🎢 Gimbalabs Playground🎡: Lido Nation crew

Two old friends of the Playground, Darlington Wleh and Peter Wolcott, will be stopping by to tell us about their DRep campaign platform under construction. We'd love to hear what this team is exploring.

But wait a minute, what is 🎢Gimbalabs Playground🎡?

These guys can explain it best:

r/cardano - Today at 🎢 Gimbalabs Playground🎡: Lido Nation crew

Each tuesday, 18:00 UTC. Zoom link here:

Gimbalabs Playground: keep discussing, keep building ... together.

Best + see you soon!

Sebastian Pabon

Gimbalabs team