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Our six-part Gimbalabs🙋‍♀️ Driver Mapping Workshop wraps up this week with two more sessions

Our six-part Gimbalabs🙋‍♀️ Driver Mapping Workshop wraps up this week with two more sessions

Hey hey everyone!

Our six-part Gimbalabs🙋‍♀️ Driver Mapping Workshop wraps up this week with two more sessions:

Wednesday 2024-01-24, and
Thursday 2024-01-25

r/cardano - Our six-part Gimbalabs🙋‍♀️ Driver Mapping Workshop wraps up this week with two more sessions

Both sessions will run from 1430-1600 UTC, on Zoom:

Last week, we drafted a shared "Why" statement for Gimbalabs in 2024. Then, we asked:

Who will be impacted?
What is needed?

r/cardano - Our six-part Gimbalabs🙋‍♀️ Driver Mapping Workshop wraps up this week with two more sessions

r/cardano - Our six-part Gimbalabs🙋‍♀️ Driver Mapping Workshop wraps up this week with two more sessions

This week, we will continue the 🙋‍♂️Driver Mapping process by asking:

How can we respond?
Who has expertise?
How might we organize our work?

Don't worry if you missed last week's meetings - you are welcome to jump in, and in classic Gimbalabs fashion, we'll keep making progress with everyone who shows up.

All meeting recordings will be posted here:

r/cardano - Our six-part Gimbalabs🙋‍♀️ Driver Mapping Workshop wraps up this week with two more sessions

See you soon,
Gimbalabs team.